Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

past middle age

i am well past middle age--a short, very pasty white, silver and gold haired women who is still waiting for hollywood to contact me to let me know when they will do the story of my life--starring Will Smith as me. my father-in-law used to say that i was the palest indian (mennomine) he every saw, so Will Smith would give me some color. i have a grandson who is the color of Will Smith--when he grows up waaaay past his present age of 13--he could play me. i will write my husband's life as mine since he has had a way more interesting life than mine. eating snakes, climbing under bridges across canyons a thousand feet below, flying near-death feats in airplanes and having a very unusual father named Byron. i have 7 very interesting children who would also make the story verrrrrrrrrry interesting.
Today I read some good advice from Pres. Monson: Don't save something only for a special occasion. every day in your life is a special occasion. spend time w/your family, use crystal glasses every day, do not delay or postpone anything that could bring laughter and joy into your or others lives. each day, each hour and each minute is special.
Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey and share our love with friends and family.
the whole article is in May 10 church news if you want to read it.

Friday, May 9, 2008

does anyone see this

i have never done this before--so if anyone gets this let me know and i will try and say something interesting next time???